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Thoughts & Inspiration

We are now in Kyrgyzstan!! 

We flew from Jordan to Dubai & then to Kyrgyzstan. Our layover in Dubai was 20 hours so we were able to stay in a hotel & explore some of Dubai. 

This week in Kyrgyzstan is PVT (parent vision trip) where parents can come out & come alongside us in what we’ll be doing here. Next week is debrief, debriefing our time from Turkey & Jordan. Then we’ll finish out our last two weeks normally with our host. It’s crazy to think this is the last leg of this year with just one more country after Kyrgyzstan! With the end of this year wrapping up, we’re all beginning to think about what we’ll do once back home. My plans are to come back home & begin working towards homesteading, but I’m also asking the Lord what He wants me to do when I get back. Please pray for me as this year is coming to an end & that I will hear & listen to what the Lord wants me to do when I get back. 

Our first week and a half in Jordan started in Amman (the capital) and then we were given the opportunity to visit some sites around Jordan. We got to visit Jesus’ Baptism Site/the Jordan River, the Dead Sea, Petra, Wadi Rum and Aqaba/the Red Sea! Throughout our adventure around Jordan we were able to have many conversations with the people we met along the way. While in Aqaba, Hannah, Elizabeth & I met an older lady in a wheelchair with her foot wrapped in bandages. Hannah asked if she could pray for her, but it was lost in translation. So we then went over to a cafe and just started talking the best we could with each other. (She knew some English.) She shared with us some about herself and how she was abused by the men in her life. She said that her mom was the only one in her family to love her and that she passed away not too long ago. So we shared some tears, hugged each other and let her know that she is loved by the Father. Please pray for healing for her and that she will come to know the true love of her Heavenly Father. 

Our last week and a half was spent in a village in northern Jordan. We lived next door to a family who became like family real quickly. They welcomed us in immediately with much love & hospitality! It was so sweet to get to spend a week and a half getting to know each other so well! We had home cooked traditional meals, sang some songs together, danced, watched the Azerbaijan & Chinese homestead lady on the tv pretty much every day, played games, had movie nights & much more including finishing out our last day there with a Beauty for Ashes event where about 10 women showed up! 

Our time in the village looked different than we anticipated, but even in the midst of things looking different we were able to meet several people along the way & got to have many different conversations about our Father. One in particular stands out to me, a Muslim guy we met at the convenience store. He was very passionate about what He believed so much so that he shared his faith with us, saying that he cared about wether we spent eternity in heaven or hell & gave us a couple Korans. His passion for what he believes was so strong that it convicted me about how I lack that kind of zeal for the Lord. He was open to conversation & has messaged a couple of us individually. Please pray for him & the conversations we have with him. He says he simply can’t believe in the trinity & believes our Bible has been changed over time. Please pray for me as I share with him what I believe & to have more zeal for the Lord. 


Here are pictures from our adventures around Jordan:

Jesus’ Baptism Site 


The Dead Sea




Wadi Rum (these were our tents for a couple nights)


Wadi Rum 


Stargazing in Wadi Rum


Watched the sunset in the desert in Wadi Rum


Here is the update on my raffle. It is open through the end of this month (September 30th). October 1st I will draw to see who the 3 winners of the raffle are. Thank you to everyone who has donated and prayed for me! 

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