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Above is the picture I took January 1st. I didn’t know what or if the 21 I saw so clearly in the sky meant anything or not, but come to find out it did! January 14th about half the squad left for Romania while the other half (me included) had to stay back due to covid. Yesterday, January 21st, I finally arrived in Romania!  

Honestly, I was pretty good with staying back. It was a good time to bond with others in a deep way that I probably wouldn’t’ve had had I left on the original launch dates & truthfully it was more comfortable to stay behind. 

Coming to Romania wasn’t real hard. Even though I don’t care for airports, I’m in a completely new & unknown place along with living in a community of people for the first time, the Lord has given me peace amidst my discomfort. While we were driving to the place we’re staying, I kept thinking this looks/feels like back home. This morning also brought a piece of home to me too when I heard a rooster crowing outside which made me smile. 

Today is my sabbath day. I’ve been told we typically do a sabbath after travel days as it is a lot! I’m using today to finally update yall on what’s going on & spending time with the Lord through prayer & reading His Word, along with possibly going out & seeing what’s around me. All last week was kind of a fog. I wasn‘t feeling much of anything, but I’m definitely feeling a lot now. Honestly, I’ve been pretty nervous about beginning this journey & definitely had a thought of maybe I stayed back as an opportunity to go home. However, the weight of giving up before even starting didn’t equate to trusting God & looking forward to growth. Even if that means lots of uncomfortable situations! 

Please pray for me as I begin this journey! I’m not great with words & am pretty quiet at first as it takes me a good while to warm up to people. I’m so nervous about what to do/say & am afraid I’m gunna let my feelings/lack of confidence keep me from putting my faith into action. I feel as if I don’t know anything about what I believe, but I know that these are lies of the enemy. So just lots of prayers please! I know God is going to use this year to completely transform me into a deeper relationship with Him & to better bring glory to Him. 

Philippians 1:6 

And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. 

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